Is it possible to get heatstroke in a bathhouse, symptoms, first aid

A bathhouse or sauna not only allows you to have fun in the company of loved ones, but also improve your health, remove waste and toxins from the body, and prevent premature aging of the skin. At the same time, the bathhouse also has contraindications, namely diseases of the cardiovascular system. You should also follow all the rules for staying in a room with high temperature and humidity. Next, we will consider in more detail how to provide first aid to a victim in a bathhouse.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke in a bathhouse is a painful condition that is dangerous to life and health. In a hot room, the body is unable to maintain normal body temperature, and the general mechanisms of thermoregulation are disrupted.

The first signs are:

  1. Feeling of weakness, lethargy, dizziness, heaviness in the limbs.
  2. A sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees.
  3. Increased heart rate and palpitations. The tremors are so strong that many say that “the heart is jumping out of the chest.”
  4. Breathing is frequent and shallow.
  5. A sharp drop in blood pressure, accompanied by a “rumbling” in the ears.

More severe symptoms of overheating include:

  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • uncontrolled urination;
  • paralysis of the respiratory and vasomotor centers can lead to death.

When the first symptoms appear, you should leave the steam room or help the victim leave.

Why does heat stroke occur?

You can get heatstroke in a bathhouse if you don’t follow the basic rules for visiting it:

  • long stay in the steam room;
  • lack of body cooling procedures (swimming pool, shower);
  • hard physical labor;
  • obesity and excess weight;
  • synthetic clothing, which prevents oxygen from reaching the skin and retains heat;
  • medicinal hormonal treatment;
  • bad habits (alcohol, nicotine addiction, etc.).

How long does heatstroke last?

Heat stroke appears suddenly, but can sometimes develop within 24 hours. The period of the painful condition mainly depends on the body and the presence of concomitant diseases.

With rapid development, the duration depends on the speed of first aid. Timely cooling and elimination of primary symptoms will help avoid the development of most negative symptoms.

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For whom the bathhouse poses a particular danger?

Sitting in a steam room for a long time is dangerous even for a healthy person, but there is a category of people for whom it is important to observe the measure when visiting a bathhouse or sauna. Risk groups include:

  1. Hypertensive patients with stable blood pressure of about 200 mm Hg. and more.
  2. Patients with respiratory diseases in the initial active, acute and chronic stages. These diseases include ARVI, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other diseases that create additional stress on the heart muscle.
  3. Kidney inflammation, water and electrolyte imbalance.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic conditions.
  5. Dermatological diseases.
  6. Violation of stable functioning of the central nervous system.
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological problems.
  8. Recovery period after surgery.
  9. Pregnancy is a contraindication to visiting a sauna or steam bath only if there are complications, but you should not overuse it and visit a very hot steam room. A consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required first.
  10. The presence of low-quality tumors, oncology.

In a steam room exposed to high temperature and humidity

  • Many bacteria and viruses die.
  • Metabolism becomes more intense.
  • The work of internal organs is activated, primarily the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
  • Blood vessels dilate. Blood flow to the heart, brain, and skin increases. Bath - “gymnastics for blood vessels”,
  • Skin pores are cleansed. The functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands improves. Blood supply and general skin condition improves.
  • Harmful metabolic products are eliminated through sweat and breathing.
  • The production of protective proteins is stimulated: interferons and immunoglobulins. Immunity is strengthened.
  • The bath relaxes the muscles. And calms the central nervous system.
  • If infusions of herbs and aromatic brooms are used in the steam room, the bath has additional healing effects.
  • With subsequent dousing with cold water or swimming in a pool, hardening occurs. A person trains to adapt to a rapid decrease in ambient temperature.

But the bathhouse is only useful for healthy people. And, for sick people it can be harmful and even dangerous!

What to do if you overheat

As a rule, heat stroke does not develop immediately in a bathhouse. At first, a person may feel slight discomfort, after which it is necessary to immediately complete the bath procedures. You should wash your face with cool water or douse yourself completely, and go to the dressing room.

If possible, you should lie on a flat surface and your head on a slight elevation to stabilize the pressure. Next, it is important to restore the water-salt balance. To do this, drink plenty of cool, but not icy, clean water.

Note! Soda, juice or alcoholic drinks are not suitable.

When your health has stabilized, you can start to slowly get dressed and go out into the fresh air. If you can’t get up on your own, it’s better to wait for help from your loved ones.


Heat stroke progresses differently for each child persist for a long time if measures are not taken in time, moving from a mild stage to a complex one. For some, it is enough to lie down at home for a couple of days, while for others only hospitalization will save them. Everyone has their own way of dealing with heatstroke in a child. But a decrease in temperature, restoration of appetite and good mood are good signs that your baby is on the mend.

In any case, the main task of any parent is timely treatment of the child and provision of first aid. Therefore, when going to the beach or a summer walk, prepare everything you need in advance (don’t forget about water and a Panama hat) so that nothing spoils your vacation!

Photos and videos: free Internet sources

First aid for heatstroke

If your health worsens, it is important to quickly eliminate the symptoms and stabilize the condition. Excessive fuss or friendly ridicule works against the victim, worsening his well-being every minute.

First of all, you need to leave the steam room and arrange a place to relax in the dressing room. It is best to lie down with your head elevated.

Important! If the patient’s condition is critical, a child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman is overheated, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. After the call, they continue to carry out basic measures to stabilize the condition.

You can additionally cover your head with a cool, damp towel or apply a compress to your forehead. Next, it is important to ensure a constant flow of fresh, cool air and provide plenty of clean water to drink.

Fainting in a bath or sauna

Fainting in a bath can occur due to insufficient enrichment of brain cells with oxygen. Fainting can occur not only in the steam room, but also after going to the dressing room. You can feel an approaching fainting in the bathhouse and avoid possible consequences in the form of injuries from a fall by following the characteristic symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • weakness;
  • severe dizziness;
  • black spots before the eyes, blurred vision;
  • nausea.

Children under five years of age are usually prone to febrile seizures.

Children who experience such cramps at this age rarely suffer from them in the future. To prevent recurrence of seizures at high temperatures, many doctors prescribe long-term treatment with phenobarbital and other anticonvulsants for children. If these medications are prescribed for your child, ask your doctor about the risks associated with them and what changes in your child's behavior they cause.

In general, there is no consensus among doctors on the issue of long-term treatment of febrile seizures. The drugs that are commonly used in this case cause liver damage and even, as experiments on animals have shown, have a negative effect on the brain. One authority on the subject once remarked: “Sometimes it is better for the patient to live a normal life between episodes of seizures than to live on medication without seizures, but in a constant state of drowsiness and confusion...”.

did phenobarbital stop them in other patients? My suspicions were heightened by complaints from some mothers that the drug overstimulated or inhibited children to such an extent that normally active and sociable children suddenly turned into half-zombies. Since the seizures are episodic and do not leave long-term consequences, I stopped prescribing this medicine to my young patients.

If a child experiencing febrile seizures is prescribed long-term treatment, parents will have to decide whether to accept it or not. I understand that openly expressing doubts about doctor's orders is not easy. I also know that the doctor may brush aside questions or not give intelligible answers. If this happens, there is no point in starting an argument. You need to get a prescription from your doctor and, before buying the medicine, ask for advice from another doctor.

If your child starts having fever-related seizures, try not to panic. Of course, giving advice is much easier than following it. The sight of a child having seizures is truly frightening. Still, remind yourself that seizures are not life-threatening or will cause permanent harm to your baby, and take simple steps to ensure that your child is not harmed during a seizure.

First, turn your baby on his side to prevent him from choking on saliva. Then make sure that there are no hard or sharp objects near his head that could hurt him during an attack. Once you're sure there's nothing obstructing your baby's breathing, place a hard but not sharp object between his teeth, such as a clean, folded leather glove or wallet (not a finger!) to prevent him from accidentally biting his tongue. After this, for your own peace of mind, you can call your doctor and tell him what happened.

Most cramps last a few minutes. If they persist, ask your doctor for advice over the phone. If a child does not fall asleep after an attack of convulsions, do not give him food or drink for an hour. Due to extreme drowsiness, he may choke.

How to avoid overheating

When visiting a steam room, it is important to follow some rules that will help avoid heat stroke or even loss of consciousness.

Monitor the temperature

The temperature in the steam room largely depends on the level of humidity. In a typical Russian bathhouse, the temperature most often stops at 70–80 degrees.

However, the humidity in the room is quite high (up to 90%), which is formed due to watering hot stones. The higher the humidity level, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with stress.

With a normal ratio of heat (60 degrees) and humidity (60–70%), all internal organs will warm up evenly, the pores will open to remove toxins. To monitor the readings, you need to install a bath thermometer.

At what age can children go to the bathhouse?

There is no consensus on the issue of visiting the bathhouse with the whole family, including small children. Not all experts agree that it is useful for newborns, one-month-old babies, or even just infants up to one year old, especially if it is a public rather than a home bath.

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky does not recommend introducing bath procedures to children under two years of age due to the imperfection of their thermoregulation. He also believes that from two to seven years old, the bathhouse is not dangerous for healthy children, and it can only become useful after reaching the age of seven.

Most pediatricians are of the opinion that there is an individual approach to the time parents and children begin visiting the sauna and Russian bath. For example, if a mother is a lover of bath procedures and did not stop them (within reasonable limits) even during pregnancy, this does not mean that her child needs them from the age of two months.

Of course, the temperature should be as gentle as possible, and the time spent in the steam room should be limited to a couple of minutes. And at the first sign of dissatisfaction or anxiety in the baby, such hardening immediately stops.

All experts recognize the benefits of the bath for children of primary school age when gradually accustoming them to it. In any case, it should be a pleasure for the child and become a kind of interesting game for him.

Why do you have a headache in the morning after a bath: causes of nausea after a sauna

Many people like to visit the bathhouse every week for health improvement and moral pleasure. Bath procedures help to cope with various diseases, cleanse the skin of impurities, toxins, accumulated salts, but often people complain that they have a headache after a bath.

Factors in the development of an unpleasant symptom

Due to headaches that occur after visiting a bathhouse, people often turn to doctors. This symptom occurs regardless of age. Painful sensations prevent a person from enjoying bath procedures and leading a normal lifestyle.

The task of the attending physician is to identify the factor that caused the pain and give a number of recommendations to the patient to improve his general condition.

Causes of headache after a bath:

  1. Incorrect ventilation. If the ventilation system in the bathhouse is made with errors, any beneficial effect from bathing procedures will be canceled. In addition, if the stove is installed incorrectly, carbon monoxide will enter the premises, which will aggravate the patient’s condition.
  2. People who rarely visit a bathhouse or sauna often stay in the steam room for too long. Because of this, heat stroke may occur, dizziness, fever, blood pressure, and nausea may occur.
  3. Vascular diseases. If a person has problems with the vascular system, he needs to be extremely careful when visiting the steam room. At the same time, carefully monitor your general condition. If skin redness appears or there is pulsation in the temples, you must quickly leave the steam room.
  4. Having bad habits. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages before, during, or after taking a bath. The same goes for smoking. Due to the effects of nicotine on the body, blood vessels narrow. For this reason, the brain lacks oxygen, and headaches, nausea, and dizziness may occur.
  5. Headaches often occur due to a lack of oxygen, which is poorly supplied to the body. In addition, carbon monoxide, which is released in large quantities when burning low-quality firewood, can aggravate the general condition.
  6. Heart disease, pressure changes. If a person experiences pressure surges, he needs to avoid bath procedures. High temperature increases the load on blood vessels and the heart.
  7. Diabetes. People who suffer from this disease should drink plenty of water. It actively leaves the body with urine. Bath procedures promote rapid removal of moisture through sweat. Due to dehydration, glucose levels increase, which can cause headaches.
  8. Osteochondrosis. When a person is in an uncomfortable position, the disease is activated. The blood vessels are compressed by tense muscles, causing the brain to starve from lack of oxygen.

Another reason why a person may have a headache is dehydration. It can occur due to the use of diuretic drinks or alcohol when visiting a steam room. Sometimes the general condition worsens due to allergic reactions. They arise from herbs and plants used to make bath brooms.

What is forbidden to do in the steam room?


  1. Incorrect posture when in the steam room. A person must be able to take an optimal body position when staying in a steam room. It is better to take a horizontal position. If you sit on a shelf, your feet will be in the cold zone and your head will be in the hot zone. This will lead to a deterioration in your general condition.
  2. Having sex is also strictly prohibited when visiting a steam room. Sexual intercourse requires a lot of strength. Excessive physical activity can lead to general malaise, loss of consciousness, dizziness, and headaches.
  3. Before visiting the steam room, you should not eat large amounts of food. Overeating is bad for the heart and can lower blood pressure.

Doctors recommend following a certain diet on the day when bath procedures are scheduled. To prevent your general condition from worsening, you should avoid eating fatty, highly salted, and smoked foods. You should also eat less foods containing high amounts of protein.

Is visiting a steam room beneficial?

To experience the beneficial effects of bath procedures, you need to visit the bath regularly. Beneficial features:

  • cleansing the body of toxins, waste, salts;
  • calming the nerves;
  • improvement of joint function;
  • pain relief;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • activation of internal organs;
  • relaxation of muscle fibers.

You cannot stay in the steam room for more than 20 minutes. In this case, you need to follow a number of rules and try not to experiment with extreme cooling.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom?

To get rid of a headache, you need to leave the steam room. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to rush, fuss, or panic. You cannot run out into the fresh air to breathe oxygen.

Any sudden movements can lead to a deterioration in your general condition. A person should lie down on a shelf or bench in the dressing room and place a folded sheet or towel under his feet. Wait about 20 minutes.

If the condition improves, consult a doctor on an outpatient basis; if the pain does not subside, call an ambulance.

To choose an effective treatment method, specialists must determine the exact cause of pain. To reduce the range of possible causes of headaches, you can measure your blood pressure yourself. You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom using traditional methods or using folk remedies.

Traditional methods:

  1. Drink a small amount of mineral water.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from viburnum, lingonberries, and strawberries will help with headaches.
  3. Additionally, you can take 2 paracetamol tablets and drink a pain reliever.

If the headache is caused by an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take a contrast shower.

Folk remedies:

  1. A medicinal decoction based on elderberry, chamomile, and St. John's wort. Use after the body has cooled down.
  2. Inhalation. Mix 5 parts mint, 2 parts orange, 2 parts chamomile essential oils. Pour the resulting mixture onto the hot stones in the steam room. By inhaling the resulting vapors, you can quickly improve your general condition.

The person needs to be slowly taken outside so that he can get some fresh air. If pain symptoms begin to subside, it is recommended to get a good night's sleep. You can take a pain reliever before going to bed.

Preventive actions

People who often visit the bathhouse know their body’s reaction to a sharp increase in temperature and rarely experience headaches after bathing procedures. If a person rarely visits the sauna, he is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  1. Carry out hardening procedures every day. At the same time, it is unacceptable to skip days of dousing with cold water.
  2. Stick to proper nutrition.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Avoid bathing after physical activity.
  5. Before visiting the bathhouse, douse yourself with cool water.

Before performing bath procedures, you need to drink several glasses of medicinal infusions. Recipes for preparing decoctions:

  1. People with high blood pressure should drink drinks based on chamomile, motherwort, and St. John's wort.
  2. To increase blood pressure, you need to drink an infusion based on black currant leaves, burdock, and nettle.

Drink at least 4 cups of herbal medicinal drinks throughout the day.

What to do if a child becomes ill in the steam room?

If, while visiting the bathhouse, a child begins to have a headache or becomes dizzy, he or she must immediately be taken out of the steam room, given some fresh air, and called an ambulance. Any disturbances in the body in childhood are much more pronounced than in adults.

People who like to visit the bathhouse sometimes face problems with headaches after bathing procedures. Pain may occur unexpectedly. To improve your general condition as quickly as possible, you need to perform a number of actions and use folk remedies.

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Precautionary measures

Carbon monoxide poisoning in a bathhouse is a common phenomenon, but it can be avoided by knowing all the nuances of the appearance of a dangerous compound.

  • Do not close the chimney until the coals in the stove are completely burned. Modern chimney manufacturers have taken care of the carbon monoxide safety system: even if the chimney is accidentally blocked, a small channel remains where the dangerous compound continues to be discharged.
  • Equip the bathhouse with an appropriate ventilation system. This can be natural ventilation, with holes located at different levels, or a forced aeration system.
  • Regularly inspect and clean the chimney structure.
  • You should pack an emergency first aid kit in case of poisoning. Sample list of medications:
  1. Ammonia or ammonia solution;
  2. Anti-burn ointment - Bepanten or “Rescuer” balm;
  3. Dressing material - bandage, cotton wool.
  • If there is such a need, it is better to postpone drinking alcoholic beverages for 1-2 hours after the steam room. The reason is that the state of intoxication is similar to the first stage of carbon dioxide poisoning.

By following simple safety precautions, carbon monoxide poisoning can be easily avoided.

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