When choosing curtains, it is very important to take into account the existing or planned style, as well as the geometric features of the space.
Mirror sun: the history of a decorative element Many have at least once seen a mirror in the form of the sun and
Features of plants for decoration Herbs from several genera are considered decorative - Cereals, Cataceae, Rutaceae.
Scandinavian style is one of the most recognizable trends in interior design. What exactly does it reflect?
There is no need to explain to modern parents what an important role the nursery interior plays in the development and
Country style is a unique design of premises that allows you to combine the spirit of the countryside and
Stairs with a metal frame are the most durable and practical frame stairs. There are open and closed
Zoning of the premises The main “set” of functional premises in any apartment assumes the presence of a kitchen, living room, bedroom
Home Information Blog Framing a painting by numbers How interesting it is to paint paintings
No home would be complete without a table. Behind him they feast on the owner's delicacies, solve scanword puzzles,