What to prepare as snacks for the bath. Let's go to the sauna to celebrate a birthday, tell me what we can prepare as a snack. Nuances of a birthday in a steam room

Snacking in the bathhouse is a standard entertainment for our people. This snack includes barbecue, alcoholic drinks, and snacks. But is it useful? What can you eat or drink in the bathhouse and before visiting this place? What is the proper nutrition before and after a bath so as not to harm the body? The article is useful not only for bathhouse lovers, but also for those who want to lose weight by visiting a steam room.

Let’s immediately clarify that this article is about all types of steam rooms: Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam, Roman, etc. Everyone chooses their own version of a bath or sauna, but the effect should be positive. For example, someone who is accustomed to a temperature of 80 degrees can easily endure the procedure and the effect will be the same as for those who are accustomed to steaming at “cooler” temperatures.

Should I eat or drink before the bath?

With the arrival of warmer weather or the end of the holiday season, you want to relax a little and go on a picnic. You can often find offers to rent a bathhouse and barbecue next to the bathhouse. Convenient: cook a barbecue, steam for 10 minutes, have another snack, drink, snack and go to the bathhouse. An interesting arrangement, many will think. But is it possible to eat shish kebab before taking a bath? And in general, is it possible to eat before a bath?

Shish kebab before the bathhouse

Answer: no, barbecue before visiting a bathhouse or sauna is contraindicated for everyone without exception. Why? When you eat, the stomach receives more blood flow than usual, so the distribution of blood in the body will not be even. Your brain may be starved and you may be at risk for heatstroke.

In addition, the sauna promotes weight loss. Due to what? The body warms up and sweating begins, which removes toxins from the body. In simple words, it’s already difficult for your body in the bathhouse; if you still eat, your body won’t be able to relax and you won’t get the desired effect. Eating before a bathhouse is like adding another identical one to a fully loaded Kamaz truck, which will be the first to pull up the hill. Huge load on the heart, circulatory system and stomach.

100 grams for heating

Answer: You cannot drink alcohol at least 2 hours before visiting a bathhouse or sauna. Ideally, it is better to go to the sauna without drinking any alcohol at all the day before the procedure. Why is this so? When drinking alcohol, blood circulation in the body accelerates, blood pressure rises, and the heart begins to beat faster. But in the bathhouse the effect is similar. During the steaming procedure, the heart begins to beat faster than usual. What if it's already running at its limit? Do you want to test your heart's strength?

You should not drink alcoholic beverages before visiting a bathhouse or sauna - this can trigger heart attacks and send you to a hospital bed (at best). A therapist I know said that a bathhouse and alcohol are like pouring kerosene on a fire. Have you tried it? We don't recommend it. And we are talking about both beer or wine, and strong drinks, like cognac or vodka.

What to eat or drink in the bath and before it?

Avoid food waste and fatty foods

Fried foods, meat, sausages, flour, lard, ice cream and various smoked foods are already quite difficult to digest. What can we say about such an energy-consuming process as vaping?

It is also best not to consume synthetic food additives contained in “unhealthy” foods, since under the influence of enormous humidity and temperature in the human body, metabolic processes change somewhat. And no one will know how dyes and other “E” will affect you.

What can you eat before and in the sauna?

You should not go to the sauna on an empty stomach. Somebody think. that you can lose weight faster from a bathhouse if you go there on an empty stomach - this is a misconception. For the normal functioning of body systems, energy is needed. At high temperatures, energy is not consumed like calories from fat reserves. You'll lose muscle mass faster than fat.

What can you eat before visiting the bathhouse?

Try making a simple salad with fresh vegetables. In the spring-autumn period this will definitely not be a problem. You shouldn’t add a lot of oil; you can use sour cream. It’s better not to use salt, because... it is able to retain moisture, and therefore sweat. You can also consume dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts (preferably natural, without additives in the form of E), as well as curd mass. It is better to exclude sugar or replace it with honey.

What can you drink before and during the bath?

We have already decided that it is forbidden to drink alcohol before visiting the bathhouse, as well as during the steaming process. What then is recommended to use? Fresh water (not carbonated), fresh juice, fat burning drinks or herbal tea with honey. Ideally, during the break between approaches in the bathhouse, herbal tea with honey is recommended. Wrap yourself in a large terry towel and drink a cup of this tea. Then, you can go back to the steam room for the next 15 minutes. In this case, every cell of your body will receive a dose of relaxation and necessary healing.

You should not buy drinks like Sprite, cola and the like for the bathhouse. You should also refrain from sparkling water, even if it’s “healthy” with minerals. Better spend this money on birch or oak brooms. Also, to reduce cravings for food or “heavy” drinks, add 20 drops of menthol or orange oil (available at any pharmacy) to a ladle of water. This cocktail tones the skin well and heals the respiratory tract.

Eat light, healthy foods

Before the steam room and between breaks, light vegetable salads are best as a snack. They are non-caloric and quickly absorbed.

For the same reason, you can eat fruits, seafood or just vegetables. And for lunch, soup will be perfectly digestible, but only with vegetable broth.

By the way, you don’t have to give up fermented milk products, so don’t limit yourself if you want porridge, eggs, kefir and other goodies.

When should you eat after a bath or sauna?

If going to the bathhouse is not just fun for you, you should wait 2 hours after the bath before eating. For example, if you would like to lose extra pounds, it is better to eat after a few hours. You can lose weight after a bath; in the first trip you can lose up to two kilograms with the right approach. At the same time, you will not lose muscle mass, but only fat. But to do this, you should not rush to eat in the intervals between steaming and immediately after the bath.

And don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids while vaping - this will definitely help your kidneys, as well as skin cells. By the way, about the skin. To cleanse pores and skin, you can mix sea salt with sour cream and apply to problem areas. You need to steam with the “mask” applied. You can also get good sweating by mixing salt and honey. Works great.

Good luck in the steam room. Don't overeat)

We updated this article on May 10, 2020.

List of things for the bathhouse and sauna

  1. Slides, rubber flip-flops
  2. Terry or waffle bath towel
  3. A sheet, a robe or a bath novelty - a towel skirt, a kind of hybrid
  4. Felt or felt hat for the head (prevents overheating and protects hair)
  5. Swimsuit
  6. Birch broom
  7. Mittens or bath gloves (they are convenient to work with a broom, not so scalding)
  8. Steam room mat
  9. Soap, shampoo, shower gel
  10. Skin care products: creams, scrubs, masks
  11. Washcloth
  12. Hairdryer
  13. Essential oils (it is useful to add them to the stones in the steam room)
  14. Herbal tea
  15. Comb

Bathhouse - pros and cons

“At all times, people loved to take a steam bath and relax in the dressing room, and scratch their tongues in their company,” Vladimir Gilyarovsky wrote in his book “Moscow and Muscovites.” In modern life, a lot of statements have appeared, including from high-level specialists, that a bathhouse is stress for the body. And we need to understand in more detail what is useful and what is harmful in the bathhouse.

——————— Today is April 16, Thursday - the 21st lunar day, and at 18.34 the 22nd lunar day will begin. Today we must pay special attention to the hip joints. Care must be taken not to injure them. Today, be sure to include an exercise such as walking on your buttocks in your morning exercises. Sit on the mat, legs straight, hands behind your head, and, without bending your legs, move forward and then back on your buttocks for six minutes. This exercise prevents hip joint diseases and helps get rid of fat deposits on the hips and abdomen. ——————-

A trip to the bathhouse almost ended tragically for our next heroine. Meet Zinaida Botarina!

— I had a heart attack in the bathhouse. My eyes stung, my temples tightened, my heart began to pound... and I realized that if I didn’t jump out of here this minute, I would simply die. I don’t remember how I jumped off the shelf and fell through the door and that’s it, then it was dark and I don’t remember anything. They called an ambulance for me. The doctor arrived, measured my blood pressure, looked at my eyes and said, “You have an arrhythmia. If you continue to fuss like this, then next time we simply won’t help you.”

This is a very common situation when someone becomes ill in a bathhouse. And often people don’t know how to help. This is a very important point. If you are already taking a steam bath, go to the bathhouse, know how to help someone who has become ill next to you... ...and for this I want to bring to your attention one video clip. Therapist Bronislav Lysenko will tell us what to do if someone next to you in the bathhouse becomes ill.

Video: - Good morning! A person in a bathhouse became ill - the first diagnosis was fainting (syncope in Latin). Symptoms: dizziness, flickering in the eyes, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath. Without panic, we calmly take him by the arms and lead the person into the next cool room. Then we lay it horizontally,... no matter what. And we open the window - i.e. We provide access to fresh air.
Next, splash water on your face. Head on side. Place a wet towel on your forehead. Raise your legs a little (put something under them). Give ammonia to smell, ... you can even moisten the wings of the nose with it. Tap your cheeks, rub your ears. As soon as the person comes to his senses, give him a glass of water to drink. The duration of fainting is usually 30-50 seconds. Don't worry and be healthy.

Zinaida Vasilievna, let's try to figure out what caused your fainting. Because maybe it's not so scary. And this wonderful bath procedure will be shown to you later. Look,... the main points: ... did you go to the bathhouse hungry, or did you eat something?

- no, I don’t eat before the bath on purpose. I go to the bathhouse on an empty stomach.

Do you wet your head and hair before going to the steam room?

- No

Do you always wear a hat?

- No

How long are you in the steam room?

- approximately 20 minutes. And usually 4-5 visits.

GM: Never go to the sauna on an empty stomach. Have a little something to eat in half an hour. The bathhouse doesn’t like it when a person overeats or when he doesn’t eat anything at all. We ate a little, had a light salad, drank some tea... especially some diaphoretic tea. Beanie... I have to say, I don't wear a beanie. But the next point is that you stay in the steam room for 20 minutes. But look... the steam room itself is a strain on the heart. It turns out that with the help of a paired procedure you can train and strengthen your heart. But if we stay in the steam room for 3-7 minutes... this load strengthens the heart. Recipe: And in order for you to strengthen your heart outside the bathhouse, I will show you a salad. You can take 300 g of parsley roots. Parsley has a diuretic property, helps open the pores of the body, removes excess water from the body, and cleanses blood vessels. Next are celery stalks, 300 grams. Celery just strengthens the body. Whoever eats celery has a healthy body, good immunity, and is well resistant to various unfavorable factors, including external ones (weather). Now we take one lemon, with peel. We twist all this in a meat grinder. And here we add honey, 200 grams. Mix everything. Store in the refrigerator and take 2-3 tablespoons per day. before eating. Try it!

- tasty!

GM: and now I will show you breathing, which strengthens the heart. Shall we do it?

- Let's!

GM: lie down on the mat, arms along the body. We inhale through our nose and at the same time raise our arm, slowly and smoothly. And we pull the heel away from ourselves (as is the leg, so is the hand - for example, the left). As you exhale, return your hand to the starting position. Now on the right. The right hand went up, the heel of the right foot away from you - inhale. To the starting point – exhale. We repeat this with both hands. And do this for at least 5-10 minutes a day. When a person does this type of breathing, the body stretches. And stretching improves blood supply and capillary permeability. The work of the heart is already becoming easier. And most importantly, when we inhale so slowly and smoothly, we calm down. And if you have some kind of arrhythmia, or some other malfunction of the heart, then they begin to go away. Those. all this calms and harmonizes the work of the heart.

Our next heroine believes that the bathhouse saved her from a very serious illness. Meet Nina Ermilova!

— I suffered two heart attacks at a young age. The first was a microinfarction, and the second was a large infarction. And fortunately, I visited a sanatorium and met with a doctor there, who told me: “Girl, if you want to live a long time, throw away all the medications you have.” And the first thing is to learn to listen to yourself. And I decided - why don’t I go and try the bathhouse. How will I feel there?

Going to the bathhouse, and generally doing any business, should be enjoyed. And when I came to the bathhouse, I sat on the bottom shelf. I sat for 3-4 minutes and felt comfortable. Those. You must definitely learn to listen to yourself. And then I left. And the bathhouse had a swimming pool. Those. I swam. And I felt how I felt. Then I drank tea. Now I go to the bathhouse every week - once without fail. I definitely include dried apricots, cranberries, viburnum, and rowan in my diet. Those. A bathhouse will help my heart.

I want to see a specialist, in our studio there is cardiologist Tatyana Tokmakova. Tatyana Lvovna, please tell me, is the bathhouse as useful as it is considered in Rus'?

— for healthy people, the bathhouse is very useful. But if we talk about official cardiology, it does not consider this procedure as therapeutic. Those. You won’t remove cholesterol, you won’t reduce angina attacks. And there are a lot of contraindications. For example, stage 2-3 hypertension. Or unstable ischemic heart disease - either progressive, or a young heart attack, somewhere up to 3-4 months. Then congestive heart failure... these are all kinds of cardiomyopathies and heart defects. Varicose veins. And obliterating endarteritis. There are also non-heart problems - this is oncology, any, even benign, and blood diseases, dermatitis and endocrinology.

But for those people who have caught a cold, who simply have stressful situations, depression. After all, the heart also tingles, somehow the vessels are not behaving correctly. And this is where in Rus' bath procedures have always helped these human conditions.

- yes, absolutely right. We recommend it for vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, and even colds...

Can you recommend a drink to drink in the bathhouse, which would not burden our hearts, and at the same time help our health. — Recipe: yes, there is a wonderful drink. Let's call it “cheerful and brave heart”! To do this, take 3 tbsp. hawthorn fruit, 2 tbsp. sweet clover and 1 tbsp. horsetail. Let's mix it all up. And pour boiling water over it. Leave for 20 minutes. It is advisable to strain. And a glass of this infusion should be drunk throughout the entire bath procedure.

—————— Valentina Andreevna Lesnova from Lvov writes to us: “During the winter, the skin on my feet became dry, and corns appeared. What recipes will help get rid of them? GM: For corns you can use garlic and apple. First rub the corns themselves with garlic. After two hours, grate with an apple. And so alternate every two hours - first garlic, then apple. After about 1.5-2 weeks, the corns will soften and the skin will become normal. Garlic has bactericidal properties. If there is an abnormal bacterial microflora on the feet, it will normalize. And the apple softens and enhances the effect of garlic. ——————

I want to read you more excerpts from Gilyarovsky’s book: “In the noble departments there was rest - rest, haircuts, shaving, cupping, and even twitching of teeth. And the common baths were, one can unmistakably say, a clinic where all sorts of diseases were treated. The doctors were paramedics, barbers, and chiropractors. And steamers replaced massage therapists here and there, back in those days when even the word was unheard of.” And today people often go to the bathhouse to heal their joints. I invite Honored Artist of Russia, Viktor Zinchuk, to our studio, welcome!

— this guitar was given as a gift at a concert in the Kremlin when I was 50. But this instrument might not have existed, because my hands constantly hurt. It got to the point that an ambulance was on duty behind the stage and they gave painkillers. Otherwise it was simply impossible to play. And in the morning I couldn’t even hold a toothbrush.

And this is told by a man who is in the Guinness Book of Records because he played “Flight of the Bumblebee” the fastest! So how did you help your joints?

— I’ll be honest, it was a whole complex. This includes gymnastics, including for the spine, because everything in the human body is connected. And a healthy lifestyle and diet. I quit smoking, and... And then, after I pulled myself together, I realized one more thing... they told me that there was a bathhouse. Everyone knows that, firstly, fatigue is the accumulation of lactic acid, and nothing removes it from the body like a bath. And I also found for myself that the joints need to be “punished”. It doesn't hurt at all (tapping). A bath broom is a different procedure, but you can do tapping with a bamboo broom. But here we can make a similar one from willow twigs. Light tapping like this helps break up areas of tension. And I think that I am not the only one who has this problem. These include doctors and a huge number of people who work on a factory assembly line and have such static voltage. Those. this helps a lot. I recommend.

I'm not even talking about the women who it helps.

GM: lymphatic drainage and blood circulation improve.

Thank you What other bath procedures can help sore joints? Bath attendant Alesey Pavlov will tell us about this.

Video: - Hello! Since ancient times, our ancestors were treated with a bath. And I’ll tell you how the bathhouse heals joints. To do this, we simply go into the steam room, sit and warm ourselves for 3-5 minutes so that our body gets used to the steam.
For the second session, we can take a bath broom with us, we will use it to warm up our body with light movements - we pump in hot air, warm up the joints. And therefore, with gentle movements, we whip ourselves, including on the knee joint, ankle, elbows, hands, shoulders - wherever the broom reaches. Mixtures can also be used. Take honey and salt (about 1 tablespoon of salt for 1.5-2 cups of honey). Mix thoroughly. And apply the mixture to the knee joint. Rub and knead. In ancient times, this solution was considered very useful for treating joints. I also use herbal decoctions to combat rheumatism. To do this, take a mixture of oregano, cinnamon, Ivan tea, and thyme. I pour it into a jar and pour boiling water over it for 5-10 minutes (about 3 tablespoons of mixture per half liter of boiling water). We pour the prepared herbal infusion into the basin in which our broom was steamed. We put our feet there. This healing procedure helps the whole body. All the best, enjoy your steam! Be healthy!

Gennady Petrovich, you are also an avid bathhouse attendant. And you probably have some recipes for both sore joints and rheumatism. After all, very often people go to the bathhouse to correct these very problems.

GM: but I want to caution. Before the bath procedure, about two days before, stop various rubbing and rubbing, which have burning properties. Why? - because you rubbed it in, the joint seemed to warm up, and the next day you go to the bathhouse, start steaming and feel that this place in the steam room is burning incredibly. But the opposite can be done. Namely after the steam room. Those. continue the warming action. And you can use this rubbing recipe. Recipe: 1 tbsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. mix honey thoroughly. And after the bath, when we come home, we rub this mixture into the sore joint. And we leave it for two hours.

Indeed, joints are most often treated with heat. But it turns out that cold heals joints just as well. Meet Honored Artist of Russia, Lyudmila Gavrilova

- My knees started to hurt... there was such a crunching sound, just something incredible. I was surprised. I went to the doctor, he took a picture and said, “you have arthrosis.” And one day, a neighbor said to me, “Have you tried ice treatment? Try!". And I started making ice compresses. You know, this is such a delight!

Cryotherapy is becoming more popular every day. We have cryotherapist Natalya Norenkova in our studio today.

— Cold has been used to treat joints for many millennia. And it was arthrologists who began to use cold from moderate (ice) to extremely low temperatures. The fact is that the body's response to cold is much brighter and stronger. Skin cold receptors per 1 sq. see skin is about eight times more than thermal.

Recipe: At home, we use moderate low temperatures. You can make a cryopack: dilute 120 g of sea salt in 1 liter of water, pour into ice trays and freeze. And place the ready-made ice cubes in a plastic bag.

What is the difference between water with salt and just water?

— these ice cubes do not keep the cold temperature longer. We use this cryopackage by applying it to the sore joint for no more than 3 minutes. A sign that you did everything right will be redness. The stronger the manifestation of arthritis, the more often during the day you perform these procedures - up to 3-4 times. Cryotherapy relieves pain, swelling, and discomfort. We are talking to you about the acute phase of arthritis.

And it is very useful to make movements in the joint during exposure to cold. Those. If in a normal state it hurts to move, then when exposed to cold, the pain goes away. And at this time the joint develops. A small nuance: if you do this on the knee joint, then you do not need to freeze the area of ​​the vascular bundle that runs under the knee. And if you are treating the shoulder joint, then you do not need to freeze it under the armpit. And the basic rule of cryotherapy is that you should cover as much surface as possible per unit of time. Those. not just on one side of the joint, but to cover it all.

Thank you

—————— Terentyeva Natalya Vasilievna from Ulyanovsk writes: “For a year now I have been suffering from pain and bleeding gums. What remedies will help strengthen your gums and soothe pain? GM: It is best to use herbs that have an astringent taste. They strengthen teeth and eliminate bleeding gums. And also if there is a microbial infection, it eliminates that too. Recipe: 2 tsp. oak bark, brew a glass of boiling water, leave. Rinse your mouth with this infusion three or more times during the day. Recipe: It is very good to use the larkspur plant. Take its root in the amount of 2 tsp. a glass of boiling water, and rinse your mouth with this infusion. Perfectly strengthens teeth and even restores enamel. ———————

I invite natural healing specialist Petro Kirpita to our studio. Meet!

- the day before, the day before visiting the bathhouse, you did not eat meat, heavy food, or fatty foods. They ate apples and cabbage (fresh and pickled) in order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. And then in the evening the whole family went to the bathhouse. Our ancestors generally treated water... and bath procedures... very carefully and attentively. And when you come to the bathhouse, there is water. And when a person turns and thinks positively, this state intensifies. Both the future and health are changing for the better. This is how our ancestors treated the bathhouse!
Peter, I once watched you perform sacred acts with a pot.

— this procedure is called “remove the goldenrod,” which means to remove the umbilical hernia. We take potatoes or turnips and cut off some of them. We stick a wick - this is a match or stick wrapped in cotton wool, which is moistened with something flammable (alcohol, kerosene, oil). Next, we lubricate the patient’s stomach with flaxseed oil. Next we place a piece of turnip with a wick on the navel. Lubricate the inside of the clay pot with alcohol.

Now let's light the fuse. And cover it with a pot. As a result, the fire burns oxygen, creating a vacuum inside the pot. And the stomach is pulled inside the pot. Now we rotate the pot clockwise (close the hernia) for half a minute. Then we do light twitches upward. And leave the pot for another 15 minutes. After this, we let air into the pot, slipping a finger under its edge, and remove it. Glory to health!

Thank you

“From 5 am to 12 midnight there is a naked and barefoot person. Only in one short apron. He works continuously with all the muscles of his body at a temperature of 14 to 60 degrees according to Reaumur, and at the same time he is wet all the time,” this is how Gyalerovsky described the work of the bathhouse attendant. I invite the hereditary bath attendant, Igor Antokhin, to our conversation. Meet!

- a willow broom, it is hard, and this is an analogue of the eastern broom. Oak is the king-broom, because oak is the king-tree in Rus'. It was believed to be very useful for hypertension. They are very convenient for pumping up steam. Birch for blood vessels... relieves spasms. And good for the bronchi. Wormwood broom together with tansy, oregano and St. John's wort are good for colds. And the people who used to live in the steppe did not have trees.

Do you have a recipe for our program?

- there is a recipe for a royal massage. 1) The massage is performed after the person has warmed up for the first time. I warm it up with cranberries and salt. Rub with cranberries first, then with salt. 2) Second time massage: cold brooms under the face and feet. Suitable for infusions in the steam room. The steam drops, wait two minutes. Then he covers his head with cold brooms to close the blood circulation. And we start with honey - we rub it on the body and make light massage movements, stretching the joints. 3) After that, take the squeezed coffee. We give them a massage. 4) Done. They also gave in a couple. And now we soar with brooms. First the oak ones. We pump up steam with brooms as it should. Soaring begins from bottom to top. First stroking, then shaking. Then the blows.

5) And so, when the person is warmed up, we begin to tap him with willow brooms. The blows are delivered to the far side of the foot. First we go around the circle four times. Then along the inside four times. All blows are strictly perpendicular, without delay (otherwise there will be bruises). Then we punch the calf muscles. We also go through it four times. We skip the depression. And then along the thighs, buttocks, back. All four times. After this, you can steam your palms at the same time. First we go through the distant places four times, then the middle four times. By the way, we don’t hit the bones, the spine or the lymph nodes.

6) After that, we give in again. We take birch brooms. And we make poultices. We lower the steam. And through a broom we tap the lungs with our fists, under the shoulder blades, the tailbone. 7) We lower the steam again. And with the back of the birch brooms we rub our back in different directions.

Not every person can withstand such a long bath procedure?

- this is all done quickly, within 10-15 minutes.


Since ancient times, excessive obesity was banished in baths. How do they do it today? Our next hero will tell us about this. Meet Alexey Ogurtsov!

— in my family, a bathhouse is an age-old tradition. We are five friends. And two families had no children for seven years. And one smart person tells us: “Listen, guys, you need to go to the bathhouse. Systematically". And somehow it turned out that we ended up in a bathhouse... all five families. After this bath, all five families, as they say, had children! And then my daughter appeared in the studio, 9 months later.

So, I will say that those people who were treated for infertility for seven years. And then a miracle bath cured me from such an illness. And here are five families... and five girls at the same time! And now I want to tell you... We have such a thing as the “film off-season”. And now you need to weigh 125 kg. And in about 1-1.5 months I gained about 20 kg. And so we played a block in Prague, and a new offer arrived. And they say: “Lyoshka, now we have to play the film “Officers”, where you play a special forces soldier.” And minus 25 is necessary. And after 30 days I became almost like this. And it was the bathhouse that helped me. I already know what a bathhouse is and how to do it. I already know professionally that I need to go there three times a week. You don't need to go to the steam room often. And stay there for 6-7 minutes. But before that you should always make tea. This tea is both diuretic and promotes fat burning. Recipe: These are raspberry leaves, mint and linden. 1 tbsp. and pour boiling water over it. Cover and wrap with something warm. And leave for 15 minutes. You can add honey to taste. And 15-20 minutes before the first visit to the steam room, we drink 3-4 sips of this tea. And so we went in and took a steam bath. The sweating is amazing. And then, 2-3 minutes before each next visit to the steam room, we drink a few sips of this tea. And so on during all five visits - visits to the steam room. Well, you lose about 250 grams of weight.

Well, thank you. In Gilyarovsky’s book “Moscow and Muscovites” it is written: “The women’s baths had their own treatment. First of all, to make the face white, they brewed a series of grass in bunches. And in the noble baths, women washed their faces with almond seeds. Then there were various wipings, including washing the hair with kerosene for hair growth. Lots of stuff." I invite an actress to our studio who will tell you what women do in the bathhouse today in order to preserve their beauty. Meet actress Anna Ardova!

- I always want to lose weight. And so, on your third visit to the steam room, you can rub yourself with salt, wrap yourself in a sheet and lie down in the steam room. Salt removes water and promotes weight loss. After this, it’s very good to take the coffee grounds and rub them like a scrub. And it’s very good to make masks after a bath.

Recipe: But there is a mask for hair that you can make right away and go to the bathhouse... i.e. go there with her. This means that all kinds of oils are mixed in equal quantities. Olive, burdock, castor, flaxseed. These are the ones we have in the house. And rubbed into the entire length of the hair. Wraps it with a rag, which you don’t mind. And a cap so as not to get the bathhouse dirty. And with this you can go to the bathhouse. And wash it off at the end. And the hair becomes beautiful.

What about the face?

— recipe: For the face, it’s great to mix rolled oats (ground) with... if you have dry skin, then yolk, if you have oily skin, then with protein. And if your skin is dry, then add a little lemon, but if you have oily skin, then don’t put any lemon in it. And honey. Mix everything in equal proportions and apply on face for 20 minutes. But we do this after the bath.

And let's contact our specialist.

Tatiana Zagumennikova, Ph.D. - I also really love the bathhouse, I go there. I listened and I will use some of the recipes more. But I want to add what is missing in our program for visiting the bathhouse.

There are plants containing essential oils. Oregano and thyme, which have an antitussive effect. Juniper needles, and here eucalyptus are anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, and the flavors are good. Chamomile and calendula, which have antiseptic properties, relieve all skin lesions and at the same time cleanse it. Next... we have essential oils, they can be purchased at the pharmacy. I offer a recipe that can be used for colds, coughs, and bronchitis. Recipe: Juniper twigs, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, thyme and oregano. We combine this 1 tbsp, then take 2 tbsp. Pour the mixture with boiling water, 7 minutes in a water bath, then leave for 40 minutes, filter. And we begin to add the resulting concentrated solution to our basins, buckets,... whatever. Very useful (apparently for washing on stones in the steam room).

—————— Tomorrow is April 17, Friday - 23 lunar day. Limit physical activity tomorrow. Replace meat dishes with beans, lentils or peas. You can prepare a healthy dish: boil beans and mix with cilantro, parsley and dill. Then pass everything through a meat grinder, add garlic or green onions. It’s delicious and the body is supplied with useful microelements and proteins for the whole day.

One ancient treatise says that the bath provides the following 10 benefits: clarity of mind, freshness, vigor, health, strength, beauty, youth, cleanliness, pleasant skin color and the attention of others.

Good health to you!

The notes were prepared by Igor Kirpichnikov, admin Notes Malakhov+, malahov-plus.com

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

First of all, it is necessary to go out or take the victim of carbon monoxide into fresh air; Give the cotton wool with ammonia a sniff and rub it on your temples, sprinkle with cold water. The victim must be placed in a room with clean air and given water to drink. Usually these actions are enough to bring him out of this state. You can drop Corvalol or give some heart drops. But if the symptoms do not go away, be sure to call an ambulance immediately.

But we hope that by following the above tips, you will enjoy going to the bathhouse and improve your health.

Enjoy Your Bath!

The influence of various types of baths on the body of a fasting person

The classic Russian bath is a broom, wet steam and a temperature of no more than 90 degrees, well tolerated during fasting.

Finnish sauna is a temperature of up to 120 degrees with minimal humidity, it is most difficult to tolerate during fasting. High temperature and low humidity do not contribute to rapid sweating, easily leading to overheating and weakness.

An infrared sauna is a low temperature of 35-45 degrees, humidity 45-60% and warms up deep tissues, which can be useful during fasting, especially in winter. Causes profuse sweating without overwork.

A Turkish bath at a temperature of 45-50 degrees and high humidity of 85-100% also does not require much effort and can be tolerated well during fasting.

Cedar barrel /phytobarrel/ – 45-50 degrees and humidity up to 100% is well tolerated during fasting and is often used in clinics and sanatoriums for practitioners of fasting.

The tolerance of a bath during fasting directly depends on the duration of fasting.

— when fasting for 1-3 days, you can use bath procedures without any problems;

- if you fast for an average period of 7-14 days, you can steam 1-2 times a week;

— when fasting for 21-40 days, the use of the steam room after two weeks is limited.

The use of a bath is influenced by the time of year, how you endured bath procedures before fasting, the presence of concomitant diseases, the type of fasting, and even the course of fasting itself in a given specific period. After all, even experienced fasters note that each new fast proceeds in a special way. Sometimes it passes easily and you can do whatever you want during this time, sometimes it’s hard and then you have to limit your daily activities.

Much also depends on the experience of the starving person. For a person who is fasting for more than 5 days for the first time, it is best not to experiment with a steam room. If you have sufficient experience of successful fasting, you can use bath procedures, but it is advisable to follow certain rules.

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