Fireplaces in the interior - the best design ideas for decorating a stylish interior (100 photos)

Decoration of the fireplace room

Specialized interior design specialists recommend using pastel colors and shades when decorating the interior of the fireplace room. An abundance of light and properly installed additional local lighting will visually expand the space of the living room with a fireplace.

You should be aware that in the modern world, a fireplace is an object that determines the style of interior design. It attracts attention with the beautiful decoration of the portal and its living, warming flame.

Wealthy owners of country houses place figures of knights in steel armor in a place of honor near the fireplace, trying to create an atmosphere of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Large window openings are decorated with heavy curtains made of thick natural fabric.

An interesting concept for the design of the fireplace room is the walls trimmed with white oak and stools covered with natural leather. The walls can be decorated with paintings of natural landscapes in expensive frames. All decorative items should express the general design style of the fireplace room.

Stone fireplaces

In country living conditions, installing a stone fireplace is much easier. Here, most attention is paid to the appearance of the location. It is best to extend the structure all the way to the ceiling. This can visually increase the height of the room.

As mentioned above, a stone fireplace can become the central point in the interior, create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness and directly emphasize the attractiveness of the room. Moreover, the stone itself is excellently used to create contrasts.

This material, for example, looks great in combination with wood, while forming a certain design of the room and creating external harmony.

Living-dining room with fireplace

Quite often, the living room in a country house combines the functions of a dining room and is decorated with a working wood-burning fireplace. This is a common case when it is necessary to visually divide a spacious living room - dining room with a fireplace into functional zones.

The eating area is represented by a dining table with chairs, a sideboard, and a serving table. Usually it is located in the central part of the room under a large ceiling chandelier on a metal frame.

As a floor covering, you can use high-strength particle boards with a protective coating that imitates the expressive structure of rare tree species.

The afternoon relaxation area can be represented by a television stand on the outer wall of the room and a set of upholstered furniture with a floor lamp. A light-colored wood floorboard would be quite appropriate for this area.

The open hearth area is usually located in one of the corners or between the windows. It is advisable to use terracotta tiles as flooring. The portal elements are made of natural marble, sometimes with fragments of artistic carvings. The shelf can be made of hardwood from noble trees.

Electric fireplaces in the interior of an apartment

Electric fireplaces provide the opportunity to “warm up by the fire” for residents of city apartments, including those located in multi-storey buildings. Many modern consumers prefer to use fireplace simulators in their homes, which include electric fireplaces, as well as designs of gas units.

Modern technologies make it possible to create and use electric fireplaces in the interior of a home as imitators of real fireplaces. They reproduce the imitation of flames so realistically that it seems as if a real fire is burning.

A high-quality electric fireplace is difficult to distinguish from a real one at first glance. Even laid fireproof firebrands, over which a fire seems to be blazing, look very believable.

Open fireplace design

The design of the fireplace, although it resembles that of an ordinary stove, has a simpler and more understandable design. It consists of the following basic elements:

  • Firebox or firebox. This is the main part of the fireplace, which is a niche in which the combustion process directly occurs. The firebox must be made of a special fire-resistant material.
  • Under. This is the lower part of the firebox, which should also be made of fire-resistant material.
  • Portal. Performs a decorative function, framing the firebox and making the fireplace more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Ash pit. It is a niche (most often metal) in which ash collects.
  • The back of the firebox. This part is also often called a mirror, as it serves the function of reflecting heat into the room. This structural element is extremely important, as it prevents air flows from mixing and also prevents smoke from entering the room.
  • Grate. Supports fuel and supplies air from below.
  • Pre-furnace platform. It is an important element of fireplace decor and prevents sparks from entering the room.
  • Valve. Prevents cold air from entering the house from the street.
  • Smoke collector. Combustion products are collected in it, after which they enter the chimney through a special outlet.

Advantages of electric fireplace installations

Unlike real home heat sources, electric ones, which are mainly decorative structures, are the safest and, in addition, have a number of additional advantages:

  • There is no need to install ventilation communications in the house.
  • There is no need to worry about fuel procurement.
  • There is no need to regularly clean the chimney due to its absence.
  • Using the built-in thermostat, you can set the optimal heating temperature, which consumers, in turn, enjoy using during cool summer evenings.
  • You can purchase an electric fireplace at a relatively low cost, unlike real analogues whose total price consists of several components, including construction material, installation work, as well as payment for permits confirming compliance with fire safety.

Recommendations from professionals

When developing a design project for a narrow living room with a fireplace in an apartment, you should be careful not to overload the room with unnecessary pieces of furniture. When designing a fireplace area, you should ensure a safe distance between upholstered furniture and carpets from an open fire. It should not be less than one and a half meters.

Specialized interior design specialists do not recommend installing a plasma television panel in the fireplace area of ​​the living room. These are two sources of attention of equal potential. However, this is just a recommendation from experts. Don't argue with yourself, install the TV in line with the fireplace and whatever happens.

At least this will avoid glare. Even each window has its own view of this world. During the operation of an open fireplace, fire safety rules must be observed. The room must have fresh ventilation.

If there are pets and small children living in the house, it is advisable to purchase fireplace models for the living room with a glass-covered firebox. It is worth realistically assessing your potential capabilities, but it is better to entrust the installation of a fireplace in the living room to professionals.

Who or what will help you choose a fireplace model?

Usually, catalogs from various manufacturers of specific products are good helpers when choosing. In this case, fireplaces.

On bright colorful glossy pages, those interested can familiarize themselves with numerous types of heating or simply decorative structures. See photos of fireplaces in the interior, read their brief description and characteristics.

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In addition to advertising publications, you can seek help directly from a design specialist. For his part, he will competently determine the most suitable place to install the fireplace and suggest the most appropriate type of design, so that it successfully fits into the overall ensemble of the interior.

Step-by-step instructions for building a fireplace

The construction of the fireplace takes place in 3 main stages:

  • foundation equipment;
  • construction of a fireplace;
  • finishing.

Foundation arrangement

First of all, it is worth saying that the foundation of the fireplace must be separate from the house. First you need to determine the exact location of the fireplace and mark the area 15-20 centimeters wider than the future structure. After this, the floor covering is removed to the very base and a pit is dug approximately 0.5-0.6 meters deep.

Next, the bottom is thoroughly cleaned and compacted. After this, it is necessary to make 20-25 centimeters of backfill from sand and crushed stone, and compact it all again well. The next step is to install the formwork, taking into account that the size of the foundation should be slightly larger (about 5 centimeters) than the size of the fireplace. It is advisable to place a frame made of reinforcement at the bottom. After this, concrete is poured in a layer of 15 centimeters.

Next, a second layer of mortar is poured, which should consist of sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1. The surface is leveled with a rule or a flat board, after which the foundation should be allowed to sit for about a month. It is recommended to lay out the first two rows of bricks already at the stage of building the foundation.

Construction of a fireplace

Before starting masonry, it is advisable to calculate and draw the order of the bricks. Everything should be calculated in such a way that each brick has its own specific place: even experienced stove makers do this. In this case, even the binding of bricks should be taken into account in the scheme. According to the resulting diagram, you need to cut the required number of bricks with a grinder or a special stone-cutting machine.

Next, you should assemble the entire structure without using cement. To ensure that the thickness of the seams is the same, you can use 5 mm wooden slats. When the entire fireplace is assembled, the bricks should be numbered, indicating the row and number in the row. For example, 4-18 means that the brick is in the 4th row in the eighteenth place. Although this process takes a lot of time, it greatly simplifies the laying, significantly reducing the risk of making a mistake.

Before use, it is advisable to soak the brick in water for a short time so that it does not absorb moisture later. To form beautiful and uniform seams you need to use a trowel. It is recommended that you first lay out the outer bricks using a level and plumb line, and then do the inside.

Fireplace finishing

The finish can be very different. The cheapest and simplest option is to carefully place the joints during the construction of the fireplace. Approximately every 5 rows you need to form beautiful and even seams. Excess solution is removed using a regular rag or brush.

However, to use such a finish, you need to choose only whole and even bricks for the outer rows, without chips or cracks. You can also clad the fireplace with stone, porcelain stoneware, tiles, slate, sandstone and even treated wood. It all depends on tastes and financial capabilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of an open fireplace

Open fireplaces have both their advantages and certain disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • the opportunity to enjoy an open fire right at home;
  • creating comfort and a unique atmosphere in the room;
  • relatively low price;


  • low fire safety. To reduce the risk of fire, someone should always be present in a room with an open fireplace to monitor it. Also, flammable items or pieces of furniture should not be placed near such a fireplace;
  • poor heat transfer. It is impossible to heat a house with such a fireplace; for these purposes it is better to use a closed fireplace or stove;
  • fireboxes made even from the best and most expensive bricks will wear out over time and will have to be rebuilt.

When choosing an open-type fireplace, you should think carefully about everything, and also weigh the pros and cons. After all, it is used exclusively for decoration and creating comfort.

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